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Despite an increase in anticonvulsant use for back and neck pain recently - an increase of 535% in the last 10 years - researchers have found such medicines are ineffective for low back or lumbar radicular pain.¹ A systematic meta-analysis...
Scenario A patient, who identi­fies as an Aboriginal person, presents to the pharmacy for her monthly prescriptions. Her prescriptions are not annotated as ‘CTG - Closing The Gap PBS Co-payment Measure’. She queries why she has to pay for her...
There is rising concern over the side effects of long-term proton pump inhibitor (PPI) use but limited evidence to warrant discontinuation, a literature review has concluded.¹ Although short-term PPI therapy side effects such as headache, rash and dizziness and gastrointestinal...
Around one in 16 Australians will suffer from depression at some time during their life.1,2 What evidence is there that complementary medicines such as S-Adenosyl-L-methionine and St John’s wort offer any relief?  The World Health Organization has predicted that depression will...
Checking technicians would allow pharmacists to spend more time on patient-focused activities in both community and hospital pharmacy settings, New Zealand research has found. Based on overseas models in the US and UK, where a specific checking technician role has...
The pastoral care role of the community pharmacist means we can still provide positive guidance even when medications will be generally ineffective. Pharmacists working in classic community pharmacies have a close trust-based relationship with many of their patients. We notice changes...
Amended prescribing information has been released for two biosimilar uptake drivers listed on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS), as part of the Biosimilar Awareness Initiative. Infliximab is listed on the PBS as biosimilar brands Renflexis and Inflectra, together with the...
Australia has the highest rate of skin cancer and melanoma in the world, but studies have found that non-cardio selective beta-blockers such as propranolol exhibit anti-tumour effects. Before the age of 70 years, at least 2 in 3 Australians...
Research from Curtin University published in 2017 found that pharmacists providing advice to lactating mothers who are seeking complementary medicines are finding the lack of safety data on the products a barrier to effective patient care. Interviews were conducted...
From wonder drug to scourge. The synthesis of amphetamine has had a profound effect on society as well as attitudes towards drugs. From its use treating asthma and nasal congestion, to being prescribed for depression, epilepsy, drug and alcohol addiction...