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It comes in teas, tablets, tinctures, and capsules, and may only look good. In colonial Australia sarsaparilla was a hit. Like their American counterparts the British arrivals borrowed from the indigenous people, using the root of the vine as a...
How pharmacists can improve the lives of people living with disabilities through careful medicine reviews and follow-up. Just like medicine safety challenges in aged care, disability care is rife with safety problems with medicines – not the least of which...
Pharmacists have the skills and capacity to support people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), but often don’t know where to start. Speak to the person, not their carer Health professionals, including pharmacists, cite communication problems as a barrier. These are...
A review of aged care patients’ medicines can reduce harm. Welcome change is coming for government-funded residential aged care facilities (RACFs) with the investment in on-site pharmacists and pharmacy services from 1 January 2023.1 But what will pharmacists in these...
Many patients use fish oil in the hope of relief from inflammatory conditions or to reduce risks of cardiovascular disease.  As non-prescription complementary medicines, it is likely many patients are not abreast of how to use fish oil in...
How pharmacists can change the lives of people with lung diseases by taking every opportunity possible.
Wherever pharmacists practise, there are patients with anxiety – patients who are managing well, patients who are managing not so well, and patients in crisis.
Early initiation of an antibiotic for a COPD flare-up can prevent further damage to the airways, prevent hospitalisation, reduce the risk of further exacerbations, and allow people to regain symptom control.
A new standard of care will help to prevent long-term reliance on opioid analgesics used for acute pain.
New regulations and building back immunity to influenza are key to protecting the community this season and avoiding 'flurona'.