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Australia’s run of catastrophic summer bushfires followed by the COVID-19 pandemic has taken a grim toll on the nation’s mental health.
Pharmacists have long been advocating for better care for older Australians living independently or in residential aged care facilities.
Artificial barriers that prevent pharmacists in Queensland from caring for their patients should be removed, PSA has argued in the lead-up to the 2020 state election this month.
Pharmacist vaccinators in the ACT should be given greater scope to protect their communities against infectious diseases, PSA has argued.
On this year’s World Mental Health Day (10 October), the community was encouraged to ‘look after your mental health, Australia!’
A novel therapy under investigation could see pharmacists playing a greater role in helping patients to manage some common eye conditions.
A new medicines listing guarantee and supply chain reforms are two measures welcomed by pharmacists in the 2020–21 Federal Budget.
Antimicrobial medicines use declined in Australia from 2013 to 2018, but the country’s rate remains high by OECD standards, according to new research.
A pandemic may have prevented traditional face-to-face events, but it didn’t stop pharmacists from across the country celebrating the 11th annual World Pharmacists Day last week.
Medicine-related COVID-19 measures, including Continued Dispensing arrangements and the Home Medicines Service, will continue for at least another 6 months.