For some, it may be hard to believe; but this month marks 25 years since the start of pharmacist accreditation for medication review in Australia.
'I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your valued support during 2021,' writes PSA National President A/Prof Chris Freeman.
'Inspiring Excellence, Advancing Practice.’ Have you ever paused to think about the slogan on the cover and spine of your Australian Pharmacist?
Last month, community pharmacists in regional Queensland commenced vaccinating their communities against COVID-19.
PSA’s flagship plan Pharmacists in 2023 outlines system changes needed to unlock opportunities for pharmacists to be the best they can be.
With no evidence of efficacy why are pharmacists still selling homeopathy products?
The position of the PSA on Homeopathy is to be commended. In the July edition of Australian Pharmacist,1 members of the PSA Choosing Wisely Working party, including PSA...
Pharmacists spending more time on the ground in aged care has become an urgent priority.
It is often said that a measure of civilisation is how it treats its most vulnerable people. For Australians, following the testimonies at the...
PSA will work with government to address the pressing issue of medicine safety.
When it comes to healthcare, use of medicines is arguably the most common intervention. But this means that medicine-related problems are also common. As the custodians...
New principles will help guide design and delivery of high-quality pharmacy services.
We have a high-quality health system in Australia, and a first-class pharmacy profession providing valued care to their communities and patients. However, there are still unacceptable variations...
Prescribing is more than just putting pen to paper – but falls well within pharmacists’ scope of practice.
Adding prescribing to the repertoire of the pharmacist has been on the ‘agenda’ in Australia now for nearly two decades. Despite a...