Training for Health Care Homes program

Community pharmacists working within the Health Care Homes (HCH) model will have access to extensive training from October, to develop their skills in collaborative medication management services.

The training program has been developed by PSA and the Pharmacy Guild of Australia for pharmacists working with general practice teams or Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service enrolled in the Health Care Homes trial, that provides coordinated, team-based care around the needs and goals of the patient within their own community or primary health network.

Information on delivering Community Pharmacy in Health Care Homes Trial Program services will be covered, including developing and implementing a Medication Management Plan.

The stage one trial of HCHs will run until November 2019 and uses a shared care plan to help patients to better manage their chronic and complex conditions through coordinated, integrated care across multiple providers.

Medication management services for HCH patients was added to the program following a Federal Government announcement in July.

The addition of pharmacists to the HCH model brings the model closer to international best-practice models which have shown patient-centred HCHs to reflect improved patient experience, healthcare quality, as well as a reduction in patient emergency visits and hospitalisations.¹

PSA has developed Guidelines for pharmacists participating in the Community Pharmacy in Health Care Homes Trial Program to assist community pharmacists who are well placed to deliver medication management services and provide care to HCH patients.


The training is available to community pharmacists Australia-wide. More information can be found on  or by contacting PSA at



1. Smith MA, Nigro SC. The Patient-Centred Medical Home. Science and Practice of Pharmacotherapy. PSAP-VII; 87-102.