New PSA fellows

A bumper field of 23 Australian pharmacists have been approved by the PSA National Board for elevation to fellow status.

Fellow status is awarded to Ordinary Members of the PSA who are recommended by a Branch Committee for admission or nominated by any two members of the National Board.

From New South Wales PSA National Vice President Caroline Diamantis and the Assistant Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention and Assistant Minister for Rural and Regional Health Emma McBride are now fellows, along with Sarah Dineen-Griffin, Cherie Lucas and Jonathan Penm.

From the Australian Capital Territory, the three new PSA fellows are Bronwyn Clark, John McEwen and Lyn Todd.

Julie Stokes and Gilbert Yeates from Queensland, along with Joon Soo Park from Western Australia are also new fellows.

New Tasmanian Branch Committee President Mark Kirschbaum and fellow Tasmanians Dianne Brown and Katie Hayes were also elevated.

Nine of the new fellows are from Victoria. They are long-time director of the Pharmacists’ Support Service Kay Dunkley, National Board member Dr Amanda Cross, Director of the Centre for Medicine Use and Safety at Monash University Professor Simon Bell, 2024 Credentialed Pharmacist of the year Brooke Shelley, former Consultant Pharmacist of the Year Deborah Hawthorne, Joe Brizzi, Dimi Hoppe, Stefanie Johnston and Atinuke (Tinu) Abraham.

In addition, Helen Howard, Ian Huett and Jocelyn Watson OAM, all from Tasmania, have been elevated to the status of Life Fellows for long periods of continuous membership and their significant contributions to PSA over an extended period.

The new Fellows were honoured last night at PSA24’s exclusive Fellows Dinner.

Associate Professor Fei Sim FPS welcomed the new Fellows to PSA’s growing community of pharmacy leaders.

‘Each of these pharmacists have made significant contributions to pharmacy and patient care, exemplifying the passion and dedication of our profession.

‘Fellowships of PSA are a prominent acknowledgement of those who have provided an outstanding contribution to PSA or the profession for an extended period of time.

‘As a profession we thank them for their ongoing service and dedication to improving pharmacy practice.’