How Julian Soriano MPS found his passion for aged care

A job conducting residential medication management reviews left South Australian pharmacist Julian Soriano MPS with a drive to do more.  On a mission to create...

Australian children at risk of deadly infections

Outbreaks of whooping cough, meningococcal B and increased incidence of drug-resistant infections are placing Australian children at risk.

Friar’s Balsam has a place in modern life

From its 18th century origins to modern uses, Friar's Balsam has continued to be a multi-purpose medicine.

Pharmacists warned to be on alert for coronavirus infections

Pharmacists are encouraged to get a travel history for patients presenting with flu-like symptoms, with five cases so far in Australia1 of the novel...

Omega–3 fatty acids: What’s the evidence?

Pharmacists should advise patients on the evidence for omega-3 fatty acids for the management of different conditions, counsel patients on the side effects that may be experienced, and identify potential drug interactions.

Intern pharmacists and GPs collaborate to improve transitions of care

A recent project involving visits from hospital pharmacy interns to a rural GP clinic broadened their perspective of transitions of care.