Pharmacists warned to be on alert for coronavirus infections

Pharmacists are encouraged to get a travel history for patients presenting with flu-like symptoms, with five cases so far in Australia1 of the novel...

Omega–3 fatty acids: What’s the evidence?

Pharmacists should advise patients on the evidence for omega-3 fatty acids for the management of different conditions, counsel patients on the side effects that may be experienced, and identify potential drug interactions.

Antimicrobial prescribing in aged care continues to rise

While Australians are taking fewer antibiotics overall, there are concerns that antimicrobial prescribing is steadily increasing in aged care.

Intern pharmacists and GPs collaborate to improve transitions of care

A recent project involving visits from hospital pharmacy interns to a rural GP clinic broadened their perspective of transitions of care.

Pharmacists’ role in managing Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease is in the limelight this month, with World Parkinson’s Day on 11 April inspiring a series of events around the world...

Margaret Sneddon Bickle AO FPS is a role model for women...

Margaret Sneddon Bickle AO FPS has been a role model for women in pharmacy since she joined PSA 70 years ago. Now 90, she remains a registered, non-practising pharmacist, because ‘it’s still important’.