Minimising harm, building trust

Australian Pharmacist of the Year 2017 Irvine Newton OAM FPS was inaugural chairman of PSA’s Harm Minimisation Committee in Victoria.

How Deanna Mill MPS made professionalism a career

A career as a hospital pharmacist was always the goal for Deanna Mill MPS. But after meeting other young pharmacists through PSA’s Early Career Pharmacists network, she decided to step outside of her comfort zone and explore what else pharmacy had to offer.

A long life of service to a community

For the late Patrick Timbs MPS, pharmacy provided a lifelong vocation and the chance to be a passionate community advocate.

What you need to know about the Active Script List

Pharmacists will soon be able to use a pharmacy-centric, cloud-based model to view all of a patient’s active prescriptions and dispense them without a patient presenting a QR barcode or token.

Maintaining standards

The PSA’s WA Pharmacist of the Year Richard Smirk serves as the Clinical Advisor Pharmacy at the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) in Perth.

The aged care researcher

The expert witness testimony of Dr Janet Sluggett MPS at the aged care royal commission last year resulted in changes to the RMMR program.