Sustainability solutions

Pharmacists from all practice settings can identify opportunities to create a more sustainable workplace.

Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus

Case scenario Mrs AW, 64, presents at eye casualty with increasingly blurry vision associated with redness and irritation in the right eye commencing a week...

Australian pharmacist without borders

After five assignments, Grace Yoo is back in Victoria, proud of using her pharmacy skills to help people in need through Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF).

Future prescriber

With many pharmacy hats, including budding prescriber, James Oh has also been a national-level power lifter.

From the President: Include pharmacists on the Medicare Benefits Schedule

A key tenet of PSA’s strategic intent is ensuring pharmacists are rewarded and recognised to reflect our high levels of training, our expertise and...

Navigating big career changes with PSA’s NSW Intern of the Year

Bridgette Mackley discusses something every pharmacist has experienced – the exciting, slightly terrifying transition from pharmacy student to intern and from intern to registered pharmacist.