B12 deficiency
Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) deficiency can cause serious haematological, neurological and psychiatric problems. Early diagnosis and treatment may reverse deficiency and minimise harms.
Lower PBS Safety Net thresholds: what you need to know
The Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) Safety Net thresholds will be reduced from 1 July. Here’s what pharmacists need to know.
APF and Handbook 25th Edition
After 119 years, the indispensable pharmacists’ reference guide has evolved to match practice with its second digital as well as 25th print edition.
The end of digital image prescriptions: six things to know
Digital image prescriptions will end on 31 March. Here are the top things pharmacists need to know.
Are you prepared for 60-day dispensing?
As DD day inches closer, pharmacists can expect to start receiving new scripts with 60-day’s supply of medicines from 1 September 2023.
Supporting patients through opioid analgesic discontinuations
The timelines and alternative options for thousands of patients living with pain when oral morphine and oxycodone are discontinued this year.