TGA changes continue to impact and sometimes baffle pharmacists

A number of recent decisions by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) are highly relevant to pharmacists in Australia. Firstly, the interim decision from the...

A combined career

Thanks to a midlife career change, PSA’s 2024 ECP of the Year Jackie Lockley MPS feels she is exactly where she’s meant to be.

Role for pharmacists in head and neck cancers

There are numerous ways in which pharmacists may play a role in head and neck cancers, from identifying a cancer early, to providing information about screening and referral pathways, and providing supportive care for patients.

Breaking the silence on mental health

Annette Baker, whose portrait was one of 49 finalists in the inaugural Australian Mental Health Prize 2016, has worked hard to raise awareness about...

How can pharmacists fight waste?

The healthcare sector was recently called out for the devastating levels of waste generated from single-use plastics and medicines. Both hospital and community pharmacists...

Post-partum president

Chelsea Felkai MPS usually balances a busy life of university teaching, PhD study and community pharmacy locum shifts in Newcastle, NSW.