Q&A: Use of antibiotics in COPD

Early initiation of an antibiotic for a COPD flare-up can prevent further damage to the airways, prevent hospitalisation, reduce the risk of further exacerbations, and allow people to regain symptom control.

NIP access (almost) guaranteed

The state's major parties have committed to allowing pharmacist immunisers to access the National Immunisation Program (NIP) for the first time.

Uniting pharmacists and doctors for patient safety

Responsibility for providing the highest level of patient care and safety as possible rests with no single healthcare provider. The best results will always...

PSA’s up-to-date COVID-19 advice for pharmacists

As the number of COVID-19 cases continues to rise in Australia, PSA is working to ensure pharmacists’ needs are considered in pandemic planning.

Future health series: pharmacy can adjust the sails

It’s no longer plain sailing in Australian community pharmacy. Bruce Annabel helps navigate in this, the fourth instalment of our Future Health series. Most...

Q&A: CPD planning

PSA has developed a CPD planning tool available free to members, that intuitively helps pharmacists through each of the required steps.