QLD Intern of the Year 2024

Antonia Hurd MPS traversed multiple Queensland pharmacies during her internship, gaining vital experience in rural pharmacy practice.

COVID-19 rollout strategy recalibrated

Pfizer is now the COVID-19 vaccine of choice for some at-risk patients and those under 50 years of age in priority groups.

A combined career

Thanks to a midlife career change, PSA’s 2024 ECP of the Year Jackie Lockley MPS feels she is exactly where she’s meant to be.

PSA welcomes the Pharmacy Guild’s new Executive Director

Suzanne Greenwood, a leader in the not-for-profit hospital and aged care service sectors, has been appointed as the new Executive Director of the Pharmacy...

Patient outcomes improve when pharmacists chart medications

When medication charting involves a pharmacist as well as a doctor, medication error rates in hospital admissions are significantly reduced, according to a new...

From the President: Accredited pharmacists will always have a home at...

The PSA has committed to offering all pharmacists accreditation opportunities through its new Accreditation Credentialling Program, along with career-long support for pharmacists, from pharmacists.