Will a repurposed drug help treat COVID-19?

There are 344 registered interventional clinical trials under way for the treatment and prevention of COVID-19. The WHO is looking at four of them.

Q&A: Helping vaccine hesitant patients

Helping patients work through concerns or hesitation for vaccination requires more than the provision of factual information.

Pharmacists improving management of allergies

Community pharmacists are well-placed to help people with hypersensitive airways, according to allergist and APP18 presenter Dr Jessica Tattersall. Australia has some of the highest...

Vaccinating in-house and hub

When the Tasmanian government called for immunisers to staff its COVID-19 vaccination clinics, community pharmacist Robert Beaumont MPS was eager to put his qualifications to good use.

Community spirited

Creating a pharmacy her community deserves is what drives PSA’s 2023 Pharmacist of the Year Elise Apolloni MPS – even if it means never quite getting enough sleep.

Ancient seed, Hippocrates and the TGA have what in common? Myrrh

Courtesy of Hippocrates and the Roman army, this ancient gum resin went global.