COVID-19 spreading locally

Health authorities have urged Australians returning from Iran to self-quarantine for 14 days as Australia reports its first cases of human-to-human transmission of COVID-19. There...

A lengthy legacy

Warwick Plunkett AM, FPS, twice a former National President of PSA, is the NSW Lifetime Achievement Award winner for 2023.

Inside a multidisciplinary antenatal vaccination clinic

To protect pregnant women and their unborn babies from the severe adverse outcomes associated with the virus, the first pharmacist-led COVID-19 vaccination clinic for pregnant women opened in Western Australia’s King Edward Memorial Hospital on 20 September.

Psychotropic self-poisoning on the rise in youth

A new retrospective cohort study has found that self-poisoning, by ingesting psychotropic medicines, in Australian children and adolescents is increasing. The prescribed medicines...

Anomalies in hospital pharmacy cases

Carefully taken patient histories are vital in helping recognise medicine-related harm. Transitions of care on admission to hospital and between clinical areas are risk points...

Lifelong leader

For more than 40 years Peter Halstead FPS has dedicated himself to advancing pharmacy practice – as an advisor, mentor and friend.