Interventions to reduce falls in nursing homes and hospitals

It is estimated that falls in hospitals are significantly higher than in the community setting. This summary presents the best available evidence regarding the effectiveness...

How pharmacists can promote safe sex amongst young people

A new survey from researchers at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) has revealed changing trends in safe sex practises amongst 15–29 year...

Medicines safety in breastfeeding

Pharmacists play an important role in advising parents and carers of breast-fed infants about their safe use of medicines. The benefits of breastfeeding are...

The long road to remunerated consultations

Like the great plague of 1665, the COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the value of pharmacists, and accelerated practice evolution.

Covering many bases

Dr Manya Angley FPS, 2021’s SA/NT Pharmacist of the Year and AACP MIMS Consultant Pharmacist of the Year, is Australia’s leading expert on disability...

TGA changes continue to impact and sometimes baffle pharmacists

A number of recent decisions by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) are highly relevant to pharmacists in Australia. Firstly, the interim decision from the...