Beware the risk of drug-associated heat stroke in the elderly

A 76-year-old man with past medical history significant for a cerebrovascular accident, pacemaker insertion for sick sinus syndrome and transurethral resection for benign prostatic...

How to manage neuropathic pain

Neuropathic pain is defined as ‘pain caused by a lesion or disease of the somatosensory nervous system’.1 It is associated with impaired quality of...

The startling extent of Australia’s medication overuse

A new report has found that Australians continue to overuse certain medicines. Pharmacist intervention is necessary to keep this issue in check, said the...

First 100,000 Australians receive COVID-19 vaccines

More than 100,000 Australians have received their first COVID-19 vaccination, and the country now has 1.3 million doses on hand for the next rollout phases.

TGA outcomes of listed sunscreen products review

Pharmacists may recall news headlines earlier this year about people experiencing significant sunburn despite application of high sun protection factor sunscreens. Reports were accompanied...

Cap on HMR numbers relaxed this week

Accredited pharmacists can provide up to 30 Home Medicine Review (HMR) services per month from this week (1 March 2020).