Hand in hand: Healthcare benefits of GP pharmacists 

The emerging role for Australian pharmacists working in general practices is seen by many pharmacists as an exciting new career opportunity. It is supported...

Managing gastrointestinal problems in infants

        Opting for a better approach. Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) were developed in the 1980s. Omeprazole, the first to be marketed, is on the WHO Model...

New COVID-19 case in Byron Bay means limited restrictions are back

Queensland recorded three new cases of COVID-19 today (31 March), as residents of Greater Brisbane wait to hear if they will spend the Easter break in lockdown.

Inside a multidisciplinary antenatal vaccination clinic

To protect pregnant women and their unborn babies from the severe adverse outcomes associated with the virus, the first pharmacist-led COVID-19 vaccination clinic for pregnant women opened in Western Australia’s King Edward Memorial Hospital on 20 September.

Psychotropic self-poisoning on the rise in youth

A new retrospective cohort study has found that self-poisoning, by ingesting psychotropic medicines, in Australian children and adolescents is increasing. The prescribed medicines...

How to plan for the upcoming CPD year

There are five steps to a successful Continuing Professional Development (CPD): plan, do, record, reflect and report.