HIV extended learning activity
You are the clinical pharmacist working at the HIV clinic. Today Peter presents at the clinic complaining of severe muscle aches, lethargy and generally feeling terrible.
The impact of air pollution
Air pollution is making us sick according to local and global research, including a study linking exposure to air pollution with subsequent acute cardiac...
Mandatory reporting: New reporting rules give advance warning
On 1 January 2019, new laws will enforce the mandatory reporting scheme for medicine shortages – a welcome change.
It’s a very difficult conversation...
Digital Health CRC to put focus on future of pharmacy
Pharmacists are being encouraged to look at the potential benefits digital technology will bring to the profession in the coming years.
Professor Libby Roughead, from...
ACT politicians commit to supporting pharmacists
Pharmacist vaccinators in the ACT should be given greater scope to protect their communities against infectious diseases, PSA has argued.
From the President: For 25 years, accreditation has paved the way
For some, it may be hard to believe; but this month marks 25 years since the start of pharmacist accreditation for medication review in Australia.