Pandemic planning for pharmacists

If a pandemic or disaster struck in your community, would your pharmacy know how to properly assist? That's the issue PhD candidate Elizabeth McCourt is...

Non-steroidal care for the treatment and management of mild eczema and...

Dermal Therapy offers a comprehensive range of clinically tested products to treat and manage the symptoms associated with mild eczema and dermatitis.

Pharmacists in GP surgeries: the UK perspective

The workforce issue facing general practice has been around for some time in the United Kingdom. Between 2007 and 2014, the GP clinical workload...

Taking care: the different areas of medicine safety

In its landmark Medicine Safety: Take Care report, PSA identified the frightening cost of medicine misadventure in Australia. With medicines safety a central theme...

Systemic corticosteroids for dyspnoea

The effectiveness of systemic corticosteroids for the management of dyspnoea in adults with advanced cancer. Dyspnoea affects almost 70% of advanced cancer patients at the...

GPs use antibiotics as placebos: study

Most Australian GPs have used a placebo in practice at least once, with active placebos used far more than inert placebos, a new study...