Local knowledge, local supplements

With consumer demand for health supplements increasing, a young established Australian supplier is aiming to better support of healthy lifestyle.

Partnering with patients the most important healthcare standard

While health literacy is key, engaging and educating clinicians about the concept of patient choice is just as critical, a leading clinical expert said at the Choosing Wisely National Meeting yesterday.

Patrick Reid extended interview

I've been lobbying pretty hard for a long time as both a pharmacist and the CEO of a large aged-care provider for pharmacists to...

Royal Pharmaceutical Society director on the future of pharmacy

Ravi Sharma’s credentials in pharmacy are formidable. Recently appointed the Royal Pharmaceutical Society’s (RPS’s) director for England, he was also National Clinical Lead for...

How pharmacists can treat people with migraine

A look at the pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatment options and preventative measures that pharmacists can recommend to stave off migraine attacks. A common reason people...

Pharmacists welcome new SA Health Minister

The appointment of new South Australian Health Minister Peter Malinauskas MLC was welcomed by the PSA SA/NT Branch last month. Mr Malinauskas has replaced former...