Choosing wisely: sedatives

In the third of a six-part series, we expand on the PSA Choosing Wisely recommendations, taking a closer look at the use of sedatives....

How to advocate for your practice

Whether pitching collaboration ideas, PHN tenders or talking to politicians, all pharmacists must master the art of advocating for their own practice.

HMR in remote Indigenous communities

Providing Home Medicines Reviews (HMR) in remote Indigenous communities has been challenging yet rewarding. I feel privileged to have been able to experience the...

Aged care in focus

The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety has heard clear calls for pharmacists, as a priority, to spend more time on the...

From the President: Mark calendars: big year ahead

As we move into 2023, we put the emergency phase of the pandemic behind us. Three key projects are set to launch to support the new year. 

Victorian pharmacists to vaccinate children 10 and up

Trained pharmacist immunisers in Victoria will be able to administer the influenza vaccine to children 10 years and above from next year. Victorian health minister...