The power of compassion in clinical pharmacy

Yong Deng is a Grade 1 clinical pharmacist at Monash Health and one of the founders of South Sudanese Australian Youth United (SSAYU), a...

PSA National President opening address at PSA24

Read the transcript of the speech delivered by PSA National President Associate Professor Fei Sim FPS at PSA24 today (2 August).

Treating hypertension – a new approach

Hypertension is the leading cause of cardiovascular disease, affecting 1.13 billion people worldwide, including six million adult Australians. Research has indicated that a new pharmacological...

How pharmacists can make a difference in aged care

Significant levels of ‘high-risk’ medications in Australian aged care facilities provide an area of need for future roles for pharmacists, the PSA19 conference was...

How to advocate for your practice

Whether pitching collaboration ideas, PHN tenders or talking to politicians, all pharmacists must master the art of advocating for their own practice.

Pharmacist interpreting service gets major expansion

Pharmacists have been given a powerful new tool for giving advice to Australia’s diverse communities, after the Department of Social Services substantially expanded access...