Offshore refresher: live and learn

PSA’s Offshore Refresher Conference this year took members to Europe. ECP Sinead Stone MPS went along, courtesy of a grant from Bayer. It was...

Hotline data reveals Australians’ pharmacy questions

What are the health questions Australian most want answers to? Data from Medicines Line, the NPS MedicineWise pharmacist-staffed information hotline, has revealed common medical...

General practice opportunities for pharmacists

Pharmacists considering work in the general practice space now have two enablers – the Workforce Incentive Program (WIP) eligibility, which came into effect on...

Don’t forget about tuberculosis

TB is an infectious disease that has massive mortality globally; however, due to public health initiatives is mostly eradicated in Australia. Despite this, cases can still occur, and pharmacists should be aware of TB and its recommended treatment to ensure appropriate management.

Kieran Baker extended interview

Pharmacists are generally resistant to working with the aged care sector. It requires around-the-clock attention to detail and on-call availability with a growing list...

It’s time to use pharmacists’ skills properly

Australia’s pharmacists are underutilised. How can tapping pharmacists’ skills as medicines experts produce better healthcare outcomes? Pharmacists are highly trained, have deep expertise in medicines,...