PSA: pharmacists need support to improve Australia’s health

Following the announcement of this year’s Federal Election date, PSA looks forward to working with an incoming Government to support a healthier Australia by...

Patients and My Health Record

To opt out or not to opt out: what role does a pharmacist have in helping patients make informed decisions about My Health Record? The...

Pharmacist Insight – Older and Wiser

Dr Renly Lim is a Research Fellow at the University of South Australia working to expand the role of pharmacists in residential care facilities,...

PSA voices support for pill testing

The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) has announced their support for pill testing at music festivals and other environments where illicit drug use occurs,...

Empagliflozin for reducing risk of kidney stones

Research shows this SLGT2 inhibitor may reduce stones in people with diabetes, though how is unclear. Kidney stones (urolithiasis) are commonly seen in primary care,...

Barriers removed for pharmacists to seek mental health treatment

Changes in Australian mandatory reporting laws will remove barriers to mental health treatment for health professionals. Australian federal, state and territory health ministers at April’s...