Collaborate to identify and resolve drug-related problems

An Australian study indicates pharmacists should play a larger role in identifying and resolving drug-related problems (DRPs) as part of a collaborative general practice...

Decoding the lure of the bush

Recruitment is a perennial challenge for rural pharmacy. So what is being done to change this? It will come as no surprise to many pharmacists...

Still blooming…

Jocelyn Watson, a PSA life member, was awarded an Order of Australia medal in January for services to Launceston and contributions to her church, horticultural society and her industry.

Two important new updates to diabetes management

Changes to the National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS) now allow more people to access the Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) products available under the scheme...

Collaborative prescribing to improve patient outcomes

The results of a study examining collaborative prescribing in Australian hospitals indicates that the practice, already successfully trialled in the US and the UK,...

Experts rank alcohol as the drug which causes the most harm

The public conversation around substance abuse often centres around illicit drugs and prescription medicine misuse, but a new study suggests that the impact of...