Counselling patients on ineffective health apps

While health and fitness apps promise to improve the quality of life for users through positive behavioural changes, few systematic reviews have collated their...

Clinical governance: shared responsibility, a common goal

New principles will help guide design and delivery of high-quality pharmacy services. We have a high-quality health system in Australia, and a first-class pharmacy...

Rural pharmacists urged to have their say

Recent research has predicted by 2026 there could be just 52 pharmacists per 100,000 people in rural and remote areas, compared with more than...

Pharmacists can teach ‘schoolies’ about emergency contraception

About half of school leavers (schoolies) believe emergency contraception is only effective 12 or 24 hours after sexual intercourse, according to a new study...

From the President: Be ready for more vaccine speed bumps

Last month, community pharmacists in regional Queensland commenced vaccinating their communities against COVID-19.

Empagliflozin for reducing risk of kidney stones

Research shows this SLGT2 inhibitor may reduce stones in people with diabetes, though how is unclear. Kidney stones (urolithiasis) are commonly seen in primary care,...