The effectiveness and safety of breast cancer medications

The purpose of this evidence summary is to present the best available evidence regarding the efficacy and safety of breast cancer prevention medications (CPM). Background...

Budget supports general practice pharmacists

Greater support for GP pharmacists, funds for high-cost medicine reduction and $1 billion for new PBS spending have emerged as the high points of...

E-cigarettes warning after link with pulmonary illness in US

A new statement on e-cigarettes has been issued by the Australian Government Department of Health. The Australian Government Department of Health has issued a new...

Management of migraines in community pharmacy

        Pharmacists play a vital role in supporting patients with migraines. People with headaches are one of the most common presentations to community pharmacies and pharmacists...

From the President: Integrate further into primary healthcare and work together

Earlier this year the outgoing Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt announced the government would allocate $345.7 million in the 2022–23 federal Budget for pharmacists in aged care.

Caring during chaos; keeping the flame burning

Burnout, by its nature, isn’t easy to head off. Spotting the warning signs early gives the best chance of dealing with it.