Benefits of zinc for preventing and treating the common cold

References UpToDate. The common cold in adults: Treatment and prevention. 2024. At: Pasioti M, Maggina P, Megremis S, et al. The common cold:...

Waiting to inhale

Annoyed by her glass squeeze-bulb nebuliser, 13-year old asthmatic Susie Maison asked "Daddy why can't they put my asthma medicine in a spray can?"

Oral Antihyperglycaemics for COPD exacerbations

Emerging evidence is pointing to the benefits of ‘novel’ antihyperglycaemics on lung function in COPD patients.

One size does not fit all

When it comes to person-centred care, bespoke tailoring to every patient’s healthcare needs is fundamental.

Why is my PPI not working?

References Gastro-oesophageal reflux in adults . In: Therapeutic Guidelines. Melbourne: Therapeutic Guidelines Limited. At: Daniels B, Schaffer A, Buckley NA, et al. The...