Pharmacist prescribing of melatonin

Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone responsible for regulating the body’s circadian rhythm. Supplemental melatonin can help to reinforce the circadian rhythm, making it useful for treatment of insomnia and jet lag.

Forget sheep, wheat & gold

Eucalyptus oil was Australia’s first product export.

Helping high-risk holidaymakers

References Behrens RH, Stauffer WM, Barnett ED, et al. Travel case scenarios as a demonstration of risk assessment of VFR travelers: introduction to criteria...

Credentialed in the country

Natasha Downing is a credentialed pharmacist who loves volunteering, kicking a football with her family, and playing with their dog Rosie.

Travel health: ready for take-off

References Pharmaceutical Society of Australia. Travel health: essential CPE. Deakin, Canberra: 2023. At: Department of Health, Victoria. Travel Health and vaccination. Community pharmacist...

Denosumab for erosive hand osteoarthritis

References  Favero M, Belluzzi E, Ortolan A, et al. Erosive hand osteoarthritis: latest findings and outlook. Nat Rev Rheumatol 2022;18(3):171–83. Kloppenburg M, Kroon F....