A good night’s sleep

References 1. Hillman D, Mitchell S, Streatfeild J, et al. The economic cost of inadequate sleep. Sleep 2018;41(8). Epub 2018 Jun 4. 2. Claughton D. Farmers...

Benefits of zinc for preventing and treating the common cold

References UpToDate. The common cold in adults: Treatment and prevention. 2024. At: www.uptodate.com/contents/the-common-cold-in-adults-treatment-and-prevention?search=the%20common%20cold%20in%20adults&source=search_result&selectedTitle=1~150&usage_type=default&display_rank=1 Pasioti M, Maggina P, Megremis S, et al. The common cold:...

Exenatide for alcohol use disorder

A better understanding of exenatide can help increase our knowledge of GLP-1 analogues and their possible role in treating addiction.

Why is my PPI not working?

References Gastro-oesophageal reflux in adults . In: Therapeutic Guidelines. Melbourne: Therapeutic Guidelines Limited. At: www.tg.org.au Daniels B, Schaffer A, Buckley NA, et al. The...

Pharmacist prescribing of melatonin

Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone responsible for regulating the body’s circadian rhythm. Supplemental melatonin can help to reinforce the circadian rhythm, making it useful for treatment of insomnia and jet lag.

How to deliver respectful, reliable service when dispensing PrEP

When dispensing PrEP medication, it's critical to strike the right balance between a patient's right to privacy and ensuring they have been told everything...