Experts answer your top practice questions
Our experts answer your questions about the end of digital image prescriptions, administering Novavax as a booster, supervising rapid antigen tests and more.
Are you using My Health Record to optimise patient care?
PSA Digital health lead Jarrod McMaugh MPS shares the top ways My Health Record makes every day easier for pharmacists.
Brisbane pharmacists advised to wear face masks, eye protection
Queensland’s Chief Medical Officer has advised pharmacists in metropolitan Brisbane and the Ipswich region to wear face masks, following a new cluster of COVID-19 cases in the state.
Your top questions on COVID-19 vaccinations answered
In a new monthly series, Australian Pharmacist will speak to the experts and answer some of your most frequently asked questions.
FAQ: clozapine’s close checks
Clozapine, used for the management of treatment-resistant schizophrenia, is subject to strict regulatory and monitoring requirements.