Supplying medication to a third party

Key considerations and a recommended course of action when a pharmacist is asked to supply medication to a third party. Scenario: A 20-year-old man approaches a...

Pharmacist prescribing and emergency supply

On most days, community pharmacists will face at least one scenario where they are a ‘prescriber by default’, solving problems for patients ranging from out-of-date prescriptions, lost medicines, to travelling patients who left their scripts at home.

Disposal of Schedule 8 medicines

Medicines, if disposed of unsafely, have the potential to both cause damage to the environment and pose a risk to public safety.

How to identify the most accurate RATs

Find out which COVID-19 rapid antigen tests are the best-performing, and what product has failed to detect the virus.

COVID-19 and influenza vaccinations: tips for community pharmacists

The COVID-19 pandemic makes it more important than ever for Australians to access influenza vaccinations and pharmacist immunisers are ready to help protect the community.

Green light for medicinal cannabis

  The legalisation and supply of medicinal cannabis in Australia and elsewhere is making rapid strides despite a relative lack of evidence for its benefits....