When the varicella-zoster virus can turn nasty

A 33-year-old woman was seen by an obstetrician. The patient did not know if she had previously had chickenpox. Her varicella-zoster antibody titre signified...

Pharmacist prescribing and emergency supply

On most days, community pharmacists will face at least one scenario where they are a ‘prescriber by default’, solving problems for patients ranging from out-of-date prescriptions, lost medicines, to travelling patients who left their scripts at home.

Supplying medication to a third party

Key considerations and a recommended course of action when a pharmacist is asked to supply medication to a third party. Scenario: A 20-year-old man approaches a...

How to identify the most accurate RATs

Find out which COVID-19 rapid antigen tests are the best-performing, and what product has failed to detect the virus.

Disposal of Schedule 8 medicines

Medicines, if disposed of unsafely, have the potential to both cause damage to the environment and pose a risk to public safety.

Green light for medicinal cannabis

  The legalisation and supply of medicinal cannabis in Australia and elsewhere is making rapid strides despite a relative lack of evidence for its benefits....